Creative, Digital Tech and Design thinking project was a three months project (October-December 2024) with funding from UNHCR. The project supported 30 refugees and host communities’ youth (18-35 years) in Pagirinya settlement with an objective of empowering youth in digital literacy and media mentorship, fostering innovation, establishing a collaborative ecosystem, and promoting socio-economic integration among the youth.

computer skills and hands-on tools
this project was a great opportunity for the Youth who just completed their senior four and were preparing for the next level of education
Youth learnt faster from their peer as they interact and share common things freely. This was evidenced in the digital literacy training when trainings were conducted by the TOT (Training of the Trainer) who was employed by YEF to facilitate the training contents in basic computer. • Engagement of community leaders in planning and beneficiary selection will enhance ownership and sustainability of the project. • Community leaders expressed interest in learning computer offered by the project as they show willingness to cope with the evolving world. • Host communities in Pagirinya particularly those at the Dzaipi town council were challenged by the long distance from their residential area to YEF office. This was evidenced by their inconsistent attendance during the training. • Holiday period attracts large number of youths at the YEF space. Project intended for supporting youths should be conducted over the holidays.
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